
Getting things done and evernote
Getting things done and evernote

getting things done and evernote

I personally call tasks actionable items.“Stuff” should come from any sources: your colleagues, friends, emails, post its, basically anything.This was the day which changed my life 🙌! One day a friend of mine told me about The Secret Weapon (TSW). It worked more or less, except that every day I had some remaining tasks from the previous day that I had to move it to another day! Also when traveling I always had to keep this paper with me to avoid loosing it! Every week I was trying to put these task into an A4 paper sheet divided into 7 columns, one for each day. The goal of GTD is to reduce the stress by unloading your mind from things to do by recording them externally.īefore knowing about GTD, I was having post-its in my desks, some tasks in my email box as unread emails, and some to do lists 🤪. Getting Things Done is a time management method, described in the book of the same title by productivity consultant David Allen. I’m going to share mine in this post and how to build yours without losing 10 years of your life.

getting things done and evernote

It’s only 4 years ago that I finally found my perfect productive system!

getting things done and evernote

I personally started to work on my productivity 10 years ago, in my first years of college, in order to find a good balance between study, student clubs projects, and parties 😬! I’ve been improving and iterating my own process year after year, first offline, then it got online using Evernote. In a busy world, it’s important to take charge of your own time to be able to live freely and without stress 🙂.

Getting things done and evernote